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Like me too? - Part 1

like me too

Are you interested in a boy and are you unsure whether he feels the same way about you? Finding out if another guy likes you can be problematic and even a little scary. However, there are a number of signs you can look out for to see if you should approach.

Notice if he smiles at you or maintains eye contact. Platonic male friends don't shy away from the occasional smile or eye contact. However, if someone maintains eye contact for a longer period of time or smiles at you repeatedly and frequently, then they are significantly more intimate than most guys are with each other.

Watch for signs of nervousness. If a guy likes you, he's probably very worried about what you think of him. This can lead to a variety of nervous ticks or strange gestures when he's around you. These include:

-Sweaty hands
-Strange fits of laughter
-Nervous talking
-Nervous fidgeting

Pay attention to whether he secretly glances at you. If you think a guy is interested in you, watch him out of the corner of your eye. If he often looks at you, then it is likely that he finds you attractive. If he looks away when you look at him, then he is either extremely shy or very nervous because he is wondering if you like him back.

Pay attention to whether he touches you unnecessarily. Guys high-five each other, shake hands, or push or wrestle each other for fun. It usually doesn't go beyond that. So when a guy touches you in a more intimate way than normal, he's trying to strengthen your relationship or he's testing how you react to his advances. Pay special attention to whether he touches his hand to yours, places his hands on your shoulders, hugs you frequently, or makes excuses to touch your hair.

Consider whether he treats you differently than other guys. Not all guys show their feelings openly, some hold back their feelings until they are sure they have nothing to fear. If you think a guy is interested in you but isn't giving you any hints, pay attention to things he shows around you but not around other guys. This could include him avoiding eye contact with you? If so, then maybe he's into you but is just too shy to talk to you. He protects you more than other guys? If so, then he likes you so much that he wants to defend your honor. Does he actively flirt with others in your presence? Then it could be that he wants to make you jealous.

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